How to Use Essential Oils
What is Aromatherapy?
The oldest industry in the world. Aromatherapy : aro…ma…ther…a…py - noun –
The art and science of using pure essential oils extracted from many parts of natural botanicals to enhance wellness of the body, mind and spirit. Aromatherapy is derived from two words. Aroma, meaning fragrance or smell and therapy. Essential oils are the essence of the plant. They are not the same as fragrance oils. Essential oils are derived from true plants, fragrance oils are artificially created fragrances or contain synthetic substances and do not offer the therapeutic benefits that essential oils offer.
Aromatherapy works in 2 distinct ways:
1.Through the sense of smell
2. Through the skin
Essential oils are highly concentrated and a little goes a long way. Essential oils should be stored in a cool, dark place, in dark amber or cobalt blue bottles.
Suggested Uses
Bath, Diffuser, Massage, as a Perfume, or Body/Room Spray.
These are general guidelines. Every essential oil may not be suitable for some uses.
Diffuse Add 5-10 drops of essential oil blend to the well of your aroma lamp, be sure to add enough water. A lamp ring is another alternative.
Bath: Add 6-8 drops to a bath. Swish to mix oils or better yet dissolve in 1/4 cup milk or 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
Create your own Bath Salts. Add 3-6 drops to 1/4 C. sea salt and mix.
You may also use Epsom Salt and or Baking Soda, or a combination of the three.
Salt Scrub Add 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil, canola oil, sweet almond oil or any other vegetable oil to the sea salt mixture .Use during your bath to exfoliate and soften your skin. Do not use on the face.
Perfume For an exquisite perfume. Dilute with Jojoba Oil.
Spritzers These are easy to make just follow the guidelines below. Use 4 oz. of distilled water To make a facial mist use 8-10 drops of essential oils per 4 oz. of distilled water. 30-40 drops per 4 oz. for a body spray 80-100 drops per 4 oz. for a room spray. Some essential oils may not be suitable.
Massage /Body Oil Add 6-10 drops to 1 ounce unscented oil Try Sweet Almond or Grapeseed oil.
A wonderful compliment to your Aromatherapy jewelry. Simply add a few drops to the Lava bead on your bracelet or necklace. If you have a locket it should have pads inside for the oils.
This guide was in "Aromatherapy - A Complete Guide to the Healing Art" by Kati Keville & Mindi Green (page 23):
10d=1/10tsp=1/60oz=about 1 dram= about 1/2ml
12.5d=1/8tsp=1/48oz=1/6dram=about 5/8ml
25d=1/4tsp=1/24oz=1/3dram=about 1 1/4ml
50d=1/2tsp=1/12oz=2/3dram=about 2 1/2ml
100d=1tsp=1/16oz=1 1/3dram=about 5ml
150d= 1 1/2tsp=1/4oz=2drams=13.5ml
300d=3tsp=1/2oz=4drams=about 15ml
"The Complete Book of Essential OIls & Aromatherapy" by Valerie Ann Worwood (page 15) gives this conversion:
20drops=1/5teaspoon essential oil
40d=2/5tsp eo
60d=35tsp eo
On page 376 of "Aromatherapy - A lifetime Guide to Healing with Essential Oils" by Valerie Gennari Cooksley says:
1/2 eyedropper holds approx 10 drops
1 full eyedropper holds approx 20 drops
1 ounce bottle=30cc=2TBL=600drops
2 ounce bottle=60cc=4TBL=120drops
4 ounce bottle=120cc=1/2cup=8TBL=2400drops
8 ounce bottle=240cc=1cup=16TBL=3600drops
Safety Guidelines for Using Essential Oils
Always read label cautions and warnings.
Never ingest essential oils.
Do not use oils directly on the skin. (Dilute with vegetable oils).
Keep essential oils away from the eyes and mucous membranes.
Please keep all essential oils out of reach of children and pets.
During pregnancy Please consult an experienced aromatherapist. Most advise using NO essential oils during the first trimester (3 months ).
Essential Oils should be stored away from harsh lighting or sun, in a cool dark area away from heat.
Do not leave uncapped, as they are highly volatile and evaporate easily.
May be refrigerated to extend shelf life.
Essential Oils are not intended for use in treatment for specific medical conditions. For treatment of health ailments, please seek diagnosis and recommendations from a licensed practitioner. Some Essential Oils are contraindicated during pregnancy. Please seek advice from your health care provider.
Safety Precautions:
Do not take essential oils internally. Avoid contact with eyes.
Safety Data: Always check with specific safety data before using a new oil, especially with regard to toxicity levels, phototoxicity, dermal irritation and sensitization.
Contra indications: Take note of any contra-indications when using oils.
Pregnancy: Take note of those oils that are contra-indicated in pregnancy.
Babies & Children: Use with care, in accordance with age Babies (0-12 months): Use 1 drop of lavender, rose, chamomile diluted in 10ml base oil for massage or bathing
Infants: (1-5 years) Use 2-3 drops of safe essential oils (non-toxic and non-irritant to the skin, diluted in 10ml base oil for massage or bathing.
Children: (6-12) Use as for adults, but in half the stated amounts.
Teenagers: Use as directed for adults.
The following oils should NOT be used in Aromatherapy:
Mugwort, Rue, Sassafras, Tansy, Thuja, Wormwood